
Context Clues to Word Meanings

Context Clues to Word Meanings

When you encounter a vocabulary word with which you are unfamiliar, what do you do?  Use the context clues to determine the word’s meaning.

What are Context Clues?

Context clues are hints in the sentence that help good readers figure out the meanings of unfamiliar words. When we look at the “context” of a word, we look at how it is being used. Based on how these words are used, and on our knowledge of the other words in the sentence, we make an educated prediction as to what the challenging vocabulary word may mean.


A modifier is a word or phrase that adds detail or description to a sentence. In the example sentences below, the modifiers are underlined.
  • I walked in and out of dozens of stores yesterday, searching for the perfect purse.
  • Shopping with Lisa today, I found a great purse.
While modifiers add detail and interest to sentences, they must be used carefully so that the reader understands the details being added. Writers generally make two major modifier mistakes: dangling modifiers and misplaced modifiers.

Sentence or Paragraph

     The sentence(s) or paragraph that comes after or before the unknown word explains what the word means.
