


     Exemplification simply means to illustrate an idea by giving examples.  In this sense, narratives that have an abstract or a coda and descriptions which make a point and have a dominant impression or mood are exemplification paragraphs.  So although no organization and structure for exemplification is right or wrong, I am asking you to follow a specific and precise set of rules which will set this paragraph off from narrative and description and make it distinctly different.  Please follow this structure precisely:
  • Make an abstract, general statement which reinforces the main idea of your first essay in Portfolio #1.
  • Offer a personal example which illustrates the idea, but make it a different example than the narrative example written for portfolio #1.  Keep the example to one or two sentences.
  • Offer an example from a friend or relative which reinforces the idea.  Keep the example to one or two sentences.
  • Offer a relevant example from the news, history text or other textbook. Keep the example to one or two sentences.
  • Reinforce the main idea with a dramatic, short, 3-8 word statement with a strong verb.

In addition, the paragraph should include a thin and a thick list.  As a matter of fact, one of the examples might be in the form of a thick list.
